Caffè Italiano
Come enjoy refreshments and conversation in Italian at meetings of the Caffè Italiano. Please check PlanIt Purple for information about upcoming meetings.
Join us for screenings of Italian language films, followed by discussion. Please check PlanIt Purple for information about upcoming screenings.
Tavola Italiana
Informal conversation in Italian. Please check PlanIt Purple for information about upcoming meetings.
Tutoring Centers
The Department of French and Italian provides free tutoring to students currently enrolled in Italian courses. The FRIT Tutor Center, housed in Crowe 2-113, offers drop-in tutoring in all aspects of the French and Italian programs, including the opportunity to practice language skills with your peers. Tutors are available Monday through Friday. Please contact the FRIT office at 847-491-5490, or refer to the Tutor Center door, for a complete schedule of availability.
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Maddie |