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FRENCH Course Catalogue
ITALIAN Course Catalogue

French Course Catalogue

Introductory and Intermediate French Language Courses

FRENCH 111-1, 2, 3 Elementary French

Conversation, grammar, reading, and writing for beginners. Four class meetings a week.
French 111-1 Prerequisite: None.
French 111-2 Prerequisite: Grade of at least C- in FRENCH 111-1 or Department placement.
French 111-3 Prerequisite: Grade of at least C- in FRENCH 111-2 or Department placement.

FRENCH 115-1,2 Intensive Elementary French

For students with some previous experience in French. Review and development of skills in speaking, understanding, reading, and writing as preparation for work at the second-year level. Four class meetings a week.
French 115-1 Prerequisite: Department placement.
French 115-2 Prerequisite: Grade of at least C- in FRENCH 115-1 or Department placement.

FRENCH 121-1, 2, 3 Intermediate French

Grammar review, conversation, reading, and writing. Four class meetings a week.
French 121-1 Prerequisite: Grade of at least C- in FRENCH 111-3 or Department placement.
French 121-2 Prerequisite: Grade of at least C- in FRENCH 121-1 or Department placement.
French 121-3 Prerequisite: Grade of at least C- in FRENCH 121-2 or Department placement.

FRENCH 125-1,2, 3 Intensive Intermediate French

French language and culture: conversation, composition, reading of cultural and literary texts, and grammar review. Three class meetings a week.
French 125-1 Prerequisite: Grade of at least C- in FRENCH 115-2 or Department placement.
French 125-2 Prerequisite: Grade of at least C- in FRENCH 125-1 or Department placement.
French 125-3 Prerequisite: Grade of at least C- in FRENCH 125-2 or Department placement.

FRENCH 201-0 Culture and Society

Development of fluency, accuracy, and creativity in speaking, comprehension, reading, and writing French; introduction to social, cultural, and literary topics. Prerequisite: Grade of at least C- in FRENCH 121-3 or Department placement.

FRENCH 202-0 Writing Workshop: Cultural Encounters in Contemporary France

Practical study of French grammar and structure; students develop and improve writing skills through practice in preparing short compositions. Prerequisite: FRENCH 125-3, FRENCH 201-0, or Department placement.

FRENCH 203-0 Oral Workshop: Individual and Society in France Today

Practical course to increase listening comprehension, build vocabulary and idiom use, and enhance communication skills. Prerequisite: FRENCH 125-3, FRENCH 201-0 or Department placement.

FRENCH 204-0 Acting French

Use of dramatic scenes, dialogues, songs and performance to help students improve their language skills and develop their interpretive, interpersonal and intercultural competence at the Intermediate Mid/High level. Prerequisite: FRENCH 121-3 or FRENCH 125-3 or FRENCH 201-0 or consent of instructor.

Introductory French Literature and Culture Courses

FRENCH 210-0 Reading Literatures in French

Introduction to texts in various genres such as essay, poetry, drama, novel, and autobiography, from at least two periods from the Middle Ages to the present. Prerequisite: FRENCH 202-0, AP score of 5, or consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline

FRENCH 211-0 Reading Cultures in French

Introduction to French and/or francophone cultures through texts and media from at least two periods; major themes, issues, and debates. Prerequisite: FRENCH 202-0, AP score of 5, or consent of instructor.
Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline

FRENCH 271-0 Introducing the Novel

Textual interpretation and analysis of short French novels from different periods, with special attention to formal issues. Prerequisite: FRENCH 210-0, FRENCH 211-0, or consent of instructor.
Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline

FRENCH 272-0 Introducing Theatre

Textual interpretation and analysis of French plays from different periods, with special attention to formal issues. Principles of tragedy and comedy; contemporary developments. Prerequisite: FRENCH 210-0, FRENCH 211-0, or consent of instructor. Credit not allowed for both FRENCH 272-0 and FRENCH 279-0. 
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline

FRENCH 273-0 Introducing Poetry

Textual interpretation and analysis of French poetry from different periods, with special attention to formal issues. Overview of major poetic movements. Prerequisite: FRENCH 210-0, FRENCH 211-0, or consent of instructor.
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline

French Courses with Reading and Discussion in English

FRENCH 101-7 College Seminar

Small, writing and discussion-oriented course exploring a specific topic or theme, and introducing skills necessary to thriving at Northwestern. Not eligible to be applied towards a WCAS major or minor except where specifically indicated.

FRENCH 101-8 First-Year Writing Seminar

Small, writing and discussion-oriented course exploring a specific topic or theme, and focused on the fundamentals of effective, college-level written communication. Not eligible to be applied towards a WCAS major or minor except where specifically indicated.

FRENCH 277-0 French Existentialism

Existentialism in its literary, philosophical, and cultural manifestations.
Ethical and Evaluative Thinking Foundational Discipline
Ethics Values Distro Area
Interdisciplinary Distro - See Rules
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline

FRENCH 279-0 Theater in Translation

Representative French plays from the 17th through 20th centuries; basic concepts of genre; social and historical context. Credit not allowed for both FRENCH 279-0 and FRENCH 272-0. 
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 371-0 Giants, Cannibals, and Critique

Analysis of works of Rabelais and Montaigne and their techniques of satire and social critique. Readings include related selections from Erasmus, More, La Boétie, and others.
Advanced Expression
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline

FRENCH 374-0 Proust

Introduces the works of Marcel Proust, a central figure of European literature and thought.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 375-0 French Film

Topics in French cinema: for example, French classical cinema, the New Wave, postcolonial French film, the cinema of Marguerite Duras.
Advanced Expression
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline

FRENCH 376-0 Gender & Sexuality

Major trends and perspectives in gender and sexuality studies such as first and second wave feminisms, lesbian writers, AIDS literature, queer theory, gender and orientalism, cross-cultural feminism.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 378-0 Contemporary Theory

Introduction to some major trends in contemporary French theory and the way they have influenced literary studies in the United States.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 379-0 Topics in French Literature and Culture

Advanced exploration of special topics in French studies. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

French Courses with Prerequisites in French

FRENCH 300-0 French Phonetics

Development of near-native spoken French through practice in correct pronunciation. Phonetic system of contemporary French; introduction to basic issues of theoretical phonetics. Prerequisite: FRENCH 202-0, FRENCH 203-0, or consent of instructor.

FRENCH 301-0 Advanced Language in Context: Society and Popular Culture

Practical study of structure, syntax, and usage of French through contemporary media, cinema, theater, and popular culture. Prerequisite: FRENCH 202-0 or consent of instructor.

FRENCH 302-0 Advanced Writing: Finding Your Voice in French

Development of written expression for different communicative needs and functions based on the study of French writing styles and techniques. Prerequisite: FRENCH 202-0 or consent of instructor.

FRENCH 303-0 Advanced Conversation: Debating Contemporary France

Development of advanced proficiency and confidence in spoken French through practice of speech and discussion of issues in current French media and culture. Emphasis on culturally appropriate usage. Prerequisite: FRENCH 202-0, FRENCH 203-0, or consent of instructor.

FRENCH 309-0 French For Professions

French language as used in professional contexts. May include study of a specific field and differences from its American counterpart. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Prerequisite: FRENCH 202-0 or consent of instructor.

FRENCH 310-0 The Middle Ages & Renaissance

Study of literary texts of the French Middle Ages and Renaissance with emphasis on their historical and literary-historical contexts. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 322-0 Medieval French Narratives 

Major narrative works of the French Middle Ages in historical context. Content varies; may include epics such as the Song of Roland, romances such as Chrétien de Troyes's Perceval, and narratives of childhood. Texts read in modern French versions. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 333-0 Topics in Renaissance Literature

Study of literary and other texts of the French Renaissance with emphasis on their literary, historical, and political contexts. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.

FRENCH 334-0 Montaigne and Modernity

In-depth study of the work of Michel de Montaigne and his models within the context of Renaissance history, politics and philosophy. All readings and discussion in French. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 335-0 17th Century Literature

Topics and issues related to the literature and culture of 17th century France. Content varies; topics covered previously include theater and its social and political contexts, the rise of rational thought, and the development of fiction and poetry. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 340-0 Sexual Politics and the Ancien Regime

Literary, intellectual, and political role of women in view of the debates generated by the issues of women's power in the public sphere before the French Revolution. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 344-0 Rousseau and the French Revolution

Analysis of Rousseau's political thought and major literary works and their impact on Revolutionary ideology and culture. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 346-0 Studies in the Enlightenment 

Authors such as Rousseau, Diderot, Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Graffigny in relation to Enlightenment debates about science, religion, political authority, human nature, colonialism, gender, and slavery. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 350-0 The Novel in French

Content varies; may include the novel of the ancien régime, the psychological novel, and the Bildungsroman in France. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 355-0 The Invention of Modernity

Transhistorical study of literary and other texts of the modern and contemporary periods (1800–present) with emphasis on their literary, historical, and political contexts. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 360-0 From Modernism to Postmodernism

Crises and reinventions of French prose from the modernist moment of the early 20th century to the ambiguities of "engaged" literature of the 1930s to postmodernism. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 362-0 African Literatures and Cultures

Major issues, trends, and authors from francophone Africa. Content varies; may include Shahrazade, narratives of gender relations, law and literature, violence, and writing. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 364-0 Caribbean Literatures and Cultures

Major issues, trends, and authors from the francophone Caribbean and its diasporas. Content varies; may include Caribbean women writers; slavery, history, and memory; Caribbean identities. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 365-0 The Maghreb and the Middle East

Major issues in the literatures and cultures of North Africa and the Middle East. Content varies. May include exile in writing; politics of language and translation. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 366-0 France and East Asia

Interdisciplinary approaches to the history of French-East Asian relations, including French representations of East Asia. May include translation, japonisme, cinema, literary and philosophical avant-gardes, and culture and globalization. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.

FRENCH 367-0 Transnational Francophone Studies

Exploration of cultural production in various genres from the French-speaking world, with an emphasis on themes, ideas, and/or forms that traverse national and/or cultural boundaries. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit when content changes.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 380-0 Political & Social Thought in France

Major political and social trends in France from the ancien régime to the 20th century. Content varies. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 384-0 Women Writing in French

Analysis of texts by women authors with regard to their respective social, cultural, political, and historical contexts. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 386-0 Gender & Writing

Issues of gender and sexuality in the production of literary and other creative texts in various historical periods. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.
Advanced Expression
Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline

FRENCH 390-0 Topics in Literature and Culture

Topics, issues, and questions in French and francophone culture. Content varies; may include French and francophone cinema, the intellectual in France. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Prerequisite: FRENCH 271-0, FRENCH 272-0, or FRENCH 273-0, or consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

FRENCH 391-0 Theory and Practice of Translation

Intercultural communication through analysis of translation theories and translated works; translation exercises. Content varies; genres may include prose, poetry, graphic novels, and theater. Prerequisite: FRENCH 301-0, FRENCH 302-0, study abroad, or consent of instructor.

FRENCH 393-0 Foreign Language Teaching: Theory and Practice

Theoretical foundation and practical applications of second-language acquisition and applied linguistics. Analysis and design of pedagogical materials. Self-reflection and analysis of teaching style and teaching philosophy. Prerequisite: senior status or consent of instructor.

FRENCH 395-0 Advanced Studies in Culture and Thought

Theoretical perspectives and paradigms for understanding culture through in-depth study of a historical, cultural, or theoretical issue or of a literary or artistic work. Independent term paper. Prerequisite: senior status or consent of undergraduate advisor.
Advanced Expression
Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline

French Graduate Courses

FRENCH 401-0 Print Culture: Authors

Content varies. Studies of one or several major literary or cultural figures of French and Francophone studies. Emphasizes their status within literary history or the cultural context of their work.

FRENCH 403-0 French and Italian Language Teaching: Theory and Practice

French and Italian Language Teaching: Theory and Practice Theoretical foundation in and practical applications of Second Language Acquisition and Applied Linguistics to the teaching of French and Italian. Analysis and design of pedagogical materials. Self-reflection and analysis of teaching style and teaching philosophy.

FRENCH 410-0 Studies in Medieval Literature

Content varies. Samples: Romances by Chretien de Troyes, Christine de Pizan, and Marie de France.

FRENCH 420-0 Studies in the 16th Century

Content varies. Samples: Renaissance poetry; Rabelais; Montaigne.

FRENCH 421-0 Visual Culture: Cinema, Performance Studies & Multimedia

Content varies. Contemporary French cinema and film history, television and multimedia cultures, courses on film directors

FRENCH 422-0 Visual Culture: Art History & Literature

Content varies: painting and literature, the circulation of works of art, the history of the relationship between literature and the visual arts

FRENCH 430-0 Studies in the 17th Century

Content varies. Samples: the moralists; power and knowledge in classical theatre; the critique of rationality

FRENCH 432-0 French, Francophone & Transnational Studies

Studies of migration and diasporic discourses from missionary discourses and pre-modern travelers to contemporary globalized movements

FRENCH 440-0 Studies in the 18th Century

Content varies. Samples: The rise of the public sphere; Diderot's aesthetics; Rousseau and the French Revolution; the global eighteenth century

FRENCH 450-1 Studies in the 19th Century

Content varies. Samples: Literature and/of the city; Literature and Revolution.

FRENCH 460-0 Studies in 20th Century Literature

Content varies. Samples: Literature and cultural authority in 20th century France; l'aimance, l'amour, le corps de l¿criture.

FRENCH 465-0 Topics in Francophone Colonial and Postcolonial Studies

Content varies. Literature and culture of one or several geopolitical areas such as the Caribbean, the Maghreb, Sub-Saharan Africa or Vietnam.

FRENCH 470-0 Topics in Literary Studies

Content varies. Studies of a motif, theme, genre or theoretical issue across languages, either Europhone or vernacular and dialectal forms

FRENCH 490-0 Special Topics in Literature

Content varies. Samples: literature of the African diaspora; women's autobiography

FRENCH 492-0 Topics in Culture and Society

Content varies. Samples: culture and politics of the 1920s and 1930s; early modern print culture; the Situationist International

FRENCH 493-0 Topics in Literary Theory

Content varies (e.g., Post-structuralist Theory, Feminist Theory, Post-colonial Theory, Materialist/Marxist Theory, Media Theory).

FRENCH 494-0 Interdisciplinary, Theoretical, and Critical Approaches

Content varies. An examination of theoretical discourses from disciplines other than literature (linguistics, philosophy, psychoanalysis, historiography) and their relationship to the French and Francophone world; history of ideas.

FRENCH 495-0 Practicum in Scholarly Writing and Research

This course, which will be taught every other year, trains students in writing in an academic style by allowing them to develop a term paper and/or in specific research methodologies necessary for their future research. The course will be offered in the Fall or Winter. In the event that students must take the course in the Winter of their third year, they will be required to take only one seminar and register for one unit of 590 in the fall of that year so as to devote time to researching and preparing their Qualifying/Prospectus Exam.

FRENCH 498-0 Independent Reading

Instructor Consent required.

FRENCH 499-0 Independent Study

Permission of instructor and department required. See department for section and permission numbers.

FRENCH 590-0 Research

Independent investigation of selected problems pertaining to thesis or dissertation. See department for section and permission numbers.

FRENCH 596-0 PhD Thesis Tutorial

Instructor consent required.


ITALIAN Course Catalogue

ITALIAN Courses Taught in Italian

ITALIAN 101-1,2,3 Elementary Italian

Emphasis on oral communication, supported by grammar, writing, reading, and listening. Four class meetings a week.
Italian 101-1 Prerequisite: None.
Italian 101-2 Prerequisite: Grade of at least C- in ITALIAN 101-1 or Department placement.
Italian 101-3 Prerequisite: Grade of at least C- in ITALIAN 101-2 or Department placement.

ITALIAN 102-1, 2, 3 Intermediate Italian

Grammar review, conversation, composition, and readings in modern prose and drama. Four class meetings a week.
Italian 102-1 Prerequisite: Grade of at least a C- in ITALIAN 101-3 or equivalent.
Italian 102-2 Prerequisite: Grade of at least a C- in ITALIAN 102-1 or Department placement.
Italian 102-3 Prerequisite: Grade of at least C- in ITALIAN 102-2 or Department placement.

ITALIAN 103-1 Italian for Musicians

Italian language course for musicians, focusing on developing comprehension and pronunciation skills for operatic performance. Analysis of libretti and scores of Italian operas. Prerequisite: Grade of at least C- in ITALIAN 101-2 or Department placement.

ITALIAN 105-7 College Seminar

Small, writing and discussion-oriented course exploring a specific topic or theme, and introducing skills necessary to thriving at Northwestern. Not eligible to be applied towards a WCAS major or minor except where specifically indicated.

ITALIAN 105-8 First-Year Writing Seminar

Small, writing and discussion-oriented course exploring a specific topic or theme, and focused on the fundamentals of effective, college-level written communication. Not eligible to be applied towards a WCAS major or minor except where specifically indicated.

ITALIAN 110-0 Italian in the Business World

Italian language course with an emphasis on communication and a cultural focus on business and its practices.

ITALIAN 133-1, 2, 3 and ITALIAN 134-1,2,3 Intensive Italian

Intensive double course covers two years of Italian language, the equivalent of Italian 101 and Italian 102, in a single academic year. Students enroll concurrently in ITALIAN 133-1 and ITALIAN 134-1 and receive 2 credits a quarter. Four two-hour class meetings a week.
Italian 133-1/Italian 134-1 Prerequisite: none.
Italian 133-2/Italian 134-2 Prerequisite: Grade of at least C- in ITALIAN 133-1 and ITALIAN 134-1 or Department placement.
Italian 133-3/Italian 134-3 Prerequisite: Grade of at least C- in ITALIAN 133-2 and ITALIAN 134-2 or Department placement.

ITALIAN 201-0 Italian Through Media

Issues from Italian media; frequent oral and written reports: for instance, America in Italian media, advertising, immigration, youth culture. Students produce a newspaper or newscast at the end of the quarter. Required bridge course in the major/minor sequence. Prerequisite: ITALIAN 102-3 or ITALIAN 133-3 / ITALIAN 134-3 or equivalent.

ITALIAN 202-0 Italian Through the Arts

Students are introduced to pivotal objects, texts, and currents in the history of Italian visual arts (painting, sculpture, architecture, cinema). Required bridge course in the major/minor sequence. Prerequisite: ITALIAN 102-3 or ITALIAN 133-3 / ITALIAN 134-3 or equivalent.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ITALIAN 203-0 Creative Writing in Italian

A course meant to improve written Italian through exercises and experiments in a variety of genres and styles. Prerequisite: ITALIAN 102-3 or ITALIAN 133-3 / ITALIAN 134-3 or equivalent.

ITALIAN 204-0 Introduction to Italian Literature

Introduction to the history, genres, and themes of Italian literature. Course content may vary, focusing on reading, comprehension, and interpretive skills. Prerequisite: ITALIAN 102-3 or equivalent proficiency.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ITALIAN 205-0 Voyage Through Italy

An exploration of Italy’s transnational history and identity. Addresses questions of internal and external migration, linguistic plurality, territory and ecology. Prerequisite: ITALIAN 102-3 or ITALIAN 133-3 / ITALIAN 134-3 or equivalent proficiency.

ITALIAN 206-0 Business Italian

Introduction to the business and economic environment in Italy. Study of business practice and development of linguistic skills necessary for professional communication.

ITALIAN 207-0 Conversation in Italian

Introduction to Italian culture. Emphasizes group activities and focuses on listening comprehension and speaking skills. Prerequisite: ITALIAN 102-3 or ITALIAN 133-3 / ITALIAN 134-3 or equivalent proficiency.

ITALIAN 349-0 Topics in Italian Culture and Literature

Advanced exploration of special topics in Italian studies.

ITALIAN Courses with Readings and Discussion in English

ITALIAN 250-0 Topics in Italian Culture and Literature

Cross-disciplinary exploration of a defined topic in Italian studies as it interacts with other cultural and literary traditions-for example, aspects of love. May be repeated for credit with change of topic.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ITALIAN 251-0 Introduction to Italian Cinema

Focus on filmmakers fundamental to the development of modern cinema (including Rossellini, Fellini, and Antonioni) from 1942 to the present. Emphasis on formal analysis and film criticism.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ITALIAN 275-0 Dante's Divine Comedy

Introduction to the Divine Comedy, its artistic and intellectual achievement, and its cultural and historical context.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ITALIAN 277-0 Global Neorealism

Exploration of Italian neorealism and its influence on European (especially the French New Wave), New Latin American, West African, and Indian cinema.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ITALIAN 304-0 Politics and Mass Culture

Investigates the relation between politics and media (newspapers, radio, cinema, television, social media) from the Fascist period to the present. Texts in Italian and/or English, taught in English.

ITALIAN 306-0 Migrations

Investigates literature, arts, media in relation to groups that official culture has defined as other, either beyond or within its geographical boundaries. Texts in Italian and/or English, taught in English.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ITALIAN 310-0 Reading Italian Literature

Introduction to principal genres of Italian literature in historical and cultural context from the Middle Ages to the present. Authors include Dante, Boccaccio, Goldoni, Leopardi, Verga, Pirandello, Levi, and Montale. Texts in Italian and/or English, taught in English.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ITALIAN 347-0 Italy in Art and Literature

Interdisciplinary course on Italian culture from the Middle Ages to the present. Each week pairs an artist with an author-for instance, Giotto/Dante, Michelangelo/Vittoria Colonna, Caravaggio/Galilei, De Chirico/Pirandello, Fellini/Flaiano. Texts in Italian and/or English, taught in English.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ITALIAN 348-0 The Italian Novella

Exploration of Italian culture through the form of the novella from the Middle Ages to the present. Each week is devoted to a groundbreaking author, such as Boccaccio, Sacchetti, Basile, Pirandello, Flaiano, and Calvino. Texts in Italian and/or English, taught in English.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ITALIAN 350-0 Advanced Topics in Italian Culture and Literature

Advanced exploration of special topics in Italian studies determined by the research interests of a visiting scholar. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ITALIAN 351-0 Italian Film and Transnational Cinema

In-depth exploration of key Italian filmmakers in the context of transnational cinema. Focus on relation between filmmakers (including Visconti/Renoir, Rossellini/Godard, and Antonioni/Wenders) and dynamics of cinematic style and cultural influence.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ITALIAN 360-0 From the Avant-Garde to the Post-Modern

Major authors and movements animating the modern and contemporary literary scene. Content varies-for example, futurism, feminist Italian fiction, and intellectuals and politics from D'Annunzio to Pasolini, Calvino, Eco, and the postmodern.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ITALIAN 370-0 Major Figures in Italian History and Culture

Investigation of the strategic roles played by Italian artists (da Vinci), scientists (Galileo), and political philosophers (Machiavelli, Vico) in forming the canon of modern thought.

ITALIAN 371-0 Media Aesthetic Education

What do we learn by playing? How free are we to play? What kind of communities can we build through play? This course explores “play” as a form of engagement with the world and our own self that is grounded in both perception and imagination. We will focus on the ways audiovisual technologies (from film and photography to videogames) shape our sense of play and, with it, our consciousness and sense of social being at crucial moments in history.

We start by attending to a brief history of the “play drive,” from German Romanticism to psychoanalysis and postcolonial theory. We then focus on Italian cinema as a case study and reassess its contribution by foregrounding play as the expression of both historical trauma and historical hope. Finally, we turn to one of the most widespread forms of contemporary play, video games, and investigate its relation to globalization and warfare.

Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ITALIAN 374-0 Love and Sexuality in the Early Modern Period

Analysis of how love and sexuality work as generalized symbolic media of communication in early modern Italian society and culture.
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area

ITALIAN 377-0 Gender and Sexuality in Italian Culture

Interdisciplinary course on gender and visual practices in Italy (photography, film, television, and video). 
Literature Fine Arts Distro Area